Cend Blog

How To Pack Clothes

Written by Cend Blog | Feb 28, 2024 8:48:02 PM

Moving can be overwhelming, and packing your clothes might seem like a small detail. However, if not done correctly, it can lead to damage, wrinkling, or even loss of your favorite pieces. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to properly pack clothes for moving. 


In this article, we share tips and tricks to make the process of packing clothes for a move stress free. By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that your clothes will be packed securely and ready for your new home.



1. Declutter and Sort Your Clothes


Packing clothes for a move can be overwhelming, but decluttering and sorting beforehand can make it easier. It helps you determine which clothes are worth taking with you and which ones you should let go of. Here are some tips to help you sort your clothes into categories:


  • Keep: These are the clothes you wear regularly and can’t live without. Examples include suits, shirts, blouses, pants, and jackets.

  • Donate: These are items in good condition but no longer serve you. They could be clothes that don’t fit or don’t match your style anymore. Consider donating them to a charity or selling them online.

  • Sell: These are clothes that are still in good condition and can be worn by others. If you’re not interested in keeping them, you can sell them online or at a garage sale.

  • Trash: This category includes clothes that are worn out, stained, torn, or otherwise unusable. Throw them away or recycle them responsibly.

By sorting your clothes into these categories, you’ll have a better idea of what to do with them before you start packing. This not only makes the packing process easier but also ensures you’re only bringing clothes you really need and want to your new home.



2. Choose the Right Packing Materials


Now that you’ve picked the clothes you need, the next step in packing your clothes for a move is choosing the right packing materials. This is crucial because the right packing materials help protect your clothes during the move.

The type of packing material you use depends on the amount of space you have and how much stuff you need to pack. Depending on what you’re packing, you can use several different types of packing materials.


Here are some of the most common types of packing materials:


  • Cardboard boxes: Cardboard boxes are the most commonly used packing materials for moving clothes. They come in different sizes and are relatively inexpensive. You can easily label them and stack them, making them a convenient option for moving. However, cardboard boxes are less durable than other packing materials and may not be suitable for fragile or valuable items.

  • Plastic bins: Plastic bins are a more durable option. They’re waterproof and reusable, making them perfect for moving clothes during rainy or snowy weather. They also come in various sizes. However, they can be more expensive than cardboard boxes and may not be as easy to label.

  • Wardrobe boxes: When you want to know how to pack hanging clothes for moving, consider wardrobe boxes. They come with a built-in rod for hanging clothes and are available in different sizes. They provide excellent protection for your clothes and make it easy to transfer them from your closet to the moving truck. However, they’re more expensive than other packing materials, take up a lot of space, and can be tricky to maneuver.

Remember, the type of packing materials you choose will depend on your budget, the distance of your move, and the items you’re packing. 


Also, consider the pros and cons of each type of packing material when choosing the right ones for your clothes. By doing so, you can help ensure that your clothes arrive at your new home in the same condition as when you packed them.



3. Pack Clothes


Now that you’ve decluttered and sorted your clothes and chosen the right packing materials, it’s time to start packing them. Packing clothes efficiently can save you time and space during the move and also help ensure they arrive at your new home in great condition. All of these tips are useful, even when you need to know how to  pack clothes for moving cross-country.


Efficient Packing Techniques


  • Rolling clothes: This is a great way to maximize space and prevent wrinkles. Start by laying your clothing item flat, fold in any sleeves or excess material, and tightly roll from one end to the other. Then, stack the rolls neatly in your chosen packing materials.

  • Packing cubes: These can organize clothes by category or outfit. Pack your clothes into the cubes, then place the cubes in your chosen packing materials.

  • Vacuum bags: These reduce the volume of clothing items. Simply pack your clothes into the bag, seal it, and use a vacuum to remove the excess air.

Packing Fragile or Delicate Clothes


  • Tissue paper: For delicate fabrics, it’s a good idea to wrap them in tissue paper to avoid snags or tears during transport. This also helps to prevent wrinkling.

  • Garment bags: These are specifically designed for transporting delicate or valuable clothing, such as suits or dresses. Simply hang the item on a hanger and place it in the bag, ensuring the item is fully covered and protected.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your clothes arrive at their destination in one piece.



4. Label Boxes


Packing your clothes in boxes is the first step toward a successful move. But how do you make sure that your clothes stay organized once they’re packed? Labeling is the answer.


Don’t forget to label your boxes to make your move as easy as possible. You don’t want to spend hours searching for your favorite jacket when you finally get to your new home.


Here are a few ways you can label:


  • Label by room: This is the most common method of labeling boxes. Write the name of the room where each box belongs (e.g., bedroom, kitchen, living room). This makes it easier for movers to know where to place the boxes in your new home.

  • Label by category: If you’re moving from a small apartment to a larger home, it might be easier to label your boxes by category (e.g., kitchen, bathroom, bedroom). This way, you can transfer all of your kitchen items into one box, all of your bathroom items into another box, and so on.

  • Use color-coded labels: If you’re labeling by room, use different colors for each room. This helps prevent mix-ups during the unpacking process.

  • Be specific: Instead of simply labeling a box “clothes,” be more specific and write “winter coats” or “summer dresses.” This will make it easier for you to find what you need when you’re unpacking.

  • Label on multiple sides: Make sure to label your boxes on multiple sides so you can easily identify them, no matter which way they’re facing.

Labeling your boxes is an essential step in the packing process, especially when it comes to moving clothes. It will save you time and effort in the unpacking process, and it will make the movers’ job much more manageable.



5. Transport Clothes Safely


Now that your clothes are packed and labeled, it’s time to move them to your new home. During transport, your boxes may be jostled around, and your clothes may shift, wrinkle, or get damaged if not packed correctly. 


Here are some tips to help you transport your clothes safely:


  • Keep boxes upright: When loading boxes into the moving truck, make sure to keep them upright. This prevents your clothes from getting squished or wrinkled.

  • Secure boxes: Use straps or bungee cords to secure boxes in the truck so they don’t move around during transport. This keeps your clothes from getting jostled and damaged.

  • Use plastic covers: If you’re worried about your clothes getting dirty during the move, use plastic covers to protect them. You can buy plastic covers specifically designed for clothing, or you can use garbage bags.

  • Pack a steamer: If you’re moving clothes that wrinkle easily, pack a handheld steamer in your car or carry-on bag. This  allows you to quickly and easily remove wrinkles from your clothes once you arrive at your new home.

By following these tips, you can move your clothes safely and ensure they arrive at your new home clean, wrinkle-free, and ready to wear. 



6. Unpack Your Clothes


Congratulations on successfully transporting your clothes to your new home. Now, the next step is to unpack them. Unpacking your clothes can be a time-consuming task, but with a bit of organization and planning, you can make the process more manageable. 


Here are some tips to help you unpack your clothes:


  • Start with the essentials: Unpack the items you will need right away, such as underwear, socks, and outfits for the next few days. This will give you time to properly organize the rest of your clothes without feeling rushed.

  • Unpack by room: Start by unpacking clothes that belong in a specific room, such as the bedroom. This helps you keep everything organized and prevents clothes from getting misplaced or mixed up.

  • Organize your closet: Once you’ve unpacked your clothes, take some time to organize your closet. Use closet organizers such as hangers, shelves, and drawers to help maximize space and keep everything neat and tidy.

  • Store off-season clothes: If you have clothes that aren’t in season, consider storing them in a separate closet or storage area. This will free up space in your main closet and make it easier to find the clothes you need.

  • Donate or sell unwanted clothes: Moving is the perfect time to go through your clothes and donate or sell anything you no longer need or want. This helps you declutter and make space for new items in your wardrobe.

Unpacking your clothes can be a bit draining, but with these tips, you can tackle it like a professional. Remember to take breaks and treat yourself to something nice once you’ve finished organizing your wardrobe. 


Now that you’ve unpacked your clothes, you can finally relax and start enjoying your new home. 



Don’t Have Space for All Your Clothes? CEND Can Help Store Your Stuff!


You’ve packed up the house, and you’re ready to move into your new place. But you have a problem: You need to store most of your things — and fast. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a bunch of boxes sitting in your driveway.


Enter CEND. We’re here to help you find the perfect solution for storing your belongings while you transition into your new home or after settling in.

Whether it’s just a few weeks or months until you find a new place to live or even years if you’re moving overseas, CEND can make sure your belongings are safe while they wait.


We provide climate-controlled facilities that are safe and secure, so you don’t have to worry about anything getting damaged during the move or after. Plus, we have an easy online booking system, so you can book your storage unit in just a few clicks.



The Bottom Line


Moving can be stressful, especially when it comes to transporting and unpacking clothes. However, with proper planning and organization, you can make the process much smoother. Remember to label and pack your clothes carefully, keep them upright during transport, and unpack them strategically by starting with the essentials and organizing by room.


If you find you don’t have enough space for all your clothes in your new home, don’t worry. CEND offers short- and long-term storage solutions to help you store your items safely and securely.


Don’t wait any longer to get organized — get a storage quote today and take the first step toward a more organized and stress-free life.